Wednesday, March 20, 2013

REFORMA Call for Proposals

Please see the below call for research proposals from REFOEMA.  There is a need for more research on Children's Library Service to Latinos.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: ¡Investigaciones para servirles! Research At Your Service! A Research Competition co-sponsored by REFORMA (The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos & the Spanish-speaking) and the Library Research Round Table 
Librarians and information professionals do a lot of work to meet the information needs of the whole population. Research helps us determine what those needs are and how we can meet them most efficiently and most effectively – both major funded research projects and smaller investigations of one library's user group. 
The growth of the Latino population means the profession needs research about Latinos and their information environments.  As a researcher and as president of REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-speaking, I would like to invite you to consider submitting your latest research that focuses on the Latino population, their library and/or information needs, and/or the responses of the LIS community to those needs.  
Who is encouraged to apply? Everyone! Librarians, master's students, doctoral students, researchers, etc. You need not be Latino, and you need not speak Spanish. How do you apply?
Send a proposal via email, containing the following*A cover page with the author's name, title of the paper, and author's contact information, including e-mail address. *A separate page that includes only the title of the paper and a 500-word abstract, summarizing the proposed presentation. *Your abstract should include a research question or hypothesis, research design and methods, theoretical framework (if appropriate), and results (if completed).  
Presentations should be based on original research, either completed or in process, and should not have been published prior to the conference. 
Submissions should be e-mailed in the form of Microsoft Word (*.doc), Open Office Writer (*.odt), RTF, or PDF attachments, to: Sandra Rios Balderrama, REFORMA Office Manager, .
The deadline has been extended to April 15. 
All submissions will be evaluated by a panel of referees, and three papers will be selected for presentation at the “Investigaciones par servirles/Research at your service” forum at ALA's 2013 Annual Conference in Chicago. The three winners will receive a $250 honorarium from REFORMA. (These honoraria were a donation made by a Reformista!) Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes, with additional time for questions and discussion.  
For questions and more information, please e-mail Denice Adkins,
--Denice Adkins, Associate Professor SISLT, University of Missouri REFORMA President, 2012-13

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