Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hungry to Read or Just Plain Hungry?

Gina Wilson and Laura Wichert from Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin presented Hungry to Read or Just Plain Hungry? at WAPL's 2012 Spring Conference in Stevens Point. Gina and Laura shared information about FoodShare's myths, facts, and statistics. Most importantly, FoodShare is helping individuals and families through tough times.

FoodShare is not welfare and you're not helping anyone else when you don't apply for benefits. You can see if you are eligible for FoodShare (and other programs) by visiting If Internet access isn't available, you can make a free call to the FoodShare helpline at 1-877-366-3635.

Libraries can help share the word about the FoodShare program by knowing the various benefits of the program, conversing with a patron about FoodShare, distributing FoodShare information, or including an article in the library newsletter. The goal of FoodShare is to help stop hunger and to improve nutrition and health.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Taking Your SLP on the Road

If you missed the session Taking Your Summer Library Program on the Road at WAPL, click on the link below to see what you missed!

Welcome to OSRT & EMIERT

OSRT, Outreach Services Round Table, is an organization within the Wisconsin Library Assocation, Inc. (WLA) which promotes the exchange of ideas connected with providing library services beyond the library building.
EMIERT, Ethnic Multicultural Information and Exchange Round Table, is also an organization within WLA. EMIERT provides support for library professionals who work closely with ethnic & multicultural groups and those who are interested in supporting diversity in Wisconsin libraries.
Both round tables are open to all WLA members. OSRT and EMIERT are especially useful to anyone who provides services to special populations or works with outreach service programs. The goal of the OSRT & EMIERT blog is to share programing ideas, presentations, meeting minutes and more! If you would like to contribute to the blog, please email us at We can't wait to hear from you about what you're doing to reach out to your community!