Monday, April 7, 2014

Do You Money Smart?

Money Smart Week @ your library--April 5-12, 2014!--is a national initiative in its fourth year between the ALA and the Federal Reserve Bank (Chicago) to provide financial literacy programming to help members of your community better manage their personal finances. Visit the Money Smart Week home page of the Federal Reserve Bank (Chicago) for additional details about Money Smart Week.

Seven hundred libraries, of all types, will be helping become money smart next week, April 5-12. "Money Smart Week @ your library" is a partnership initiative between the American Library Association and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to expand Money Smart Week® to libraries across the country. Libraries will present programs for all ages, and all stages of life, related to personal financial literacy.

Visit and follow #MoneySmartWeek on Twitter for more information.


If your library participates in Money Smart Week, what are some activities you host at the library? Let us know! Leave a comment and tell us how you reach out to your community.