Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Wisconsin libraries are holding special events to celebrate the achievements of African-Americans. Here are a few examples:
  • Minneapolis' Mixed Blood Theatre will perform Black Eagle, a play about Dr. Ronald McNair (pictured above). McNair was a scientist who died aboard the space shuttle Challenger in 1986. Black Eagle will be performed Feb. 21 at the Goodman South branch of the Madison Public Library.
  • Milwaukee Public Library will host several Black History Month events, including tall tales, children's stories by black celebrities, and African American trivia.
  • Racine Public Library is celebrating Black History Month with guest speakers and movies each week in February.
How is your library honoring Black History Month? Please share ideas.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

No town/gown here

McIntyre Library staff from UW-Eau Claire fed the hungry Jan. 18 at The Community Table, a soup kitchen in Eau Claire. Although librarians serve community members every day, this is an inspiring example of a college library volunteering off campus.

Does your staff volunteer outside of the library? If so, please share ideas.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Spread the word

The UW-Madison Libraries communications specialist has created a spreadsheet for tracking holidays, celebrations, and observances. Consult the spreadsheet for planning specials events, programming, displays, or other outreach ideas at your library. Add your own events and ideas too. The spreadsheet is available here:


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hoping to connect with you in 2014

Warm greetings to my Library Outreach colleagues.  I am Nancy Larson and the Outreach Roundtable Chair  for 2014. I am the Outreach Librarian at West Bend Community Memorial Library working primarily with seniors and disabled adults.

As we all begin our big plans for 2014 here are some dates to keep in mind:
  • Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL) – April 30 thru May 2 - Chula Vista Resort - Wisconsin Dells
  • Wisconsin Public Library Association (WPLA) - May 7 thru May 9 - Blue Harbor Resort – Sheboygan 
  • Wisconsin Library Association (WLA)- November 4 thru 7 -  Kalahari Resort – Wisconsin Dells
The Outreach Service Round Table (OSRT) will plan meetings at both WPLA and WLA.  Roundtable business meetings are free so even if you don’t attend any other part of these conferences please join us. If you want to share or showcase your Outreach Service through this blog or if you have questions or comments, please email Nancy at nlarson@west-bendlibrary.org

Friday, January 10, 2014

Archived: Tweetchat about Copyright

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014, school principals, superintendents, librarians and educators participated in an interactive question-and-answer tweetchat with copyright expert and bestselling author Carrie Russell. Education professionals who missed yesterday’s copyright tweetchat now have access to the archived tweetchat.
As part of the copyright tweetchat, Russell answered copyright questions posed by Twitter users using the hashtag #k12copylaw. The interactive social media event was hosted jointly by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, AASA: The School Superintendents Association, the American Library Association and the National Association of Elementary School Principals. You can find the archived tweetchat below:

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tweetchat about Outreach

What are you doing for outreach in your library?
Join ALSC members and anyone interested in participating in a monthly Twitter chat. On Thursday, January 9, 2015 at 9pm Eastern, ALSC will be hosting a one-hour chat on the topic of outreach and its effects. How can you incorporate technology in your outreach?

You can follow the chat by using the hashtag #alscchat. The event will be moderated by the ALSC Children & Technology Committee. This event is free and open to anyone including those without a Twitter account. You can follow along at: http://twubs.com/alscchat

WAPL Proposal Call

Just a reminder that the Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries (WAPL) Conference Planning Committee invites program proposals for the Spring Conference (our theme is "Discover") to be held May 7-9, 2014 at the beautiful Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan. 
Proposals for presentations, panels, and workshops are welcome.  Sessions will run approximately 60 minutes in length.   We encourage you to be part of our 2014 WAPL Conference!
Deadline for program proposals is this Friday: January 10, 2014.

Please use the Program Proposal Form at WLA's website.